Hello Wieners!

Where do I start?

So much stuff has happened in the last few days, so I will just sum it up quickly, to stop me from writing tons of stuff: I found and repossessed a shopping trolley, we got the keys to our new amazing flat on Marchmont Road and moved most of our stuff, Adam left, I made an important decision, Helle broke her tail (bone) and now Hellipp can’t bang bang bangity bang for 6 weeks, I went to a hockey party on Friday, we threw an amazing party that lacked nothing but black light, and only just on Saturday, I caught up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while, David projectile – threw – up on his Teddy ClaireBear, I changed batteries in a CO alarm in the flat that kept going off throughout the night, we cleaned the crap out of our old flat twice in 24 hours, I discovered I might be diseased with a tick bite, I started considering calling up the Revenue Office and registering for self-emloyment, I finally went and registered with a GP round the corner, I peed on my hand, my story didn’t win the competition so I have to resubmit and I finally got a reply from a possible distant relative in the US…

Also, it’s Hallowe’en today!!! Happy Hallowe’en everyone!